Blendo Development Team Details

Full Official Name: Nishihara (Combined) Research Institute, Virtual Reality Research Group, Blendo Development Team

Blendo Development Team Members


Founder and CEO of Nishihara Research Institute

Primary Coordinator of Blendo Development Team

Website Administrator of Virtual Society on the Web/ CP Lab.

Enthusiast of learning (hence
is the logo for the Institute)

Currently inspired by great people; loves action, true heroism, as well as smart and inspiring people.

List of Indirect Participants for Acknowledgement of Assistance

西原 明史

ニシハラ アキフミ | Prof. NISHIHARA Akifumi (准教授)
Official Participant and Sponsor of Nishihara Research Institute's Blendo Development Team

Yasuda Women's University 安田女子大学/安田女子短期大学

731-0153 広島県広島市安佐南区安東6丁目131
731-0153 Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima, Asaminami Ward, Yasuhigashi, 6 Chome−13

Kouichi Matsuda

Dr. Kouichi Matsuda 松田 晃一(マツダ コウイチ), is a professor at 大妻女子大学社会情報学部 社会情報学科 情報デザイン専攻 Faculty of Social Information Science Studies, Otsuma Women's University since 2013, currently teaching the classes below:
He researches: ユーザエクスペリエンス、ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI)、ユーザインタフェース感性情報学・ソフトコンピューティング, 知能情報学, ソフトウエア(User Experience, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), User Interface Kansei Information Science / Soft Computing, Intelligent Informatics, Software)
He has written:  Kouichi MATSUDA, Rodger Lea (2013), WebGL Programming Guide: Interactive 3D Graphics Programming with WebGL, Addison-Wesley Professional and  Kouichi MATSUDA (2004), Personal Agent-oriented Virtual Society, Advanced Knowledge International and many more.
See below
He has the final degree of: 東京農工大学大学院工学研究科数理情報工学専攻(博士(工学)(東京大学))- 博士 博士(工学)/工学/論文/東京大学大学院
His professional affiliations include: ACM, Information Processing Society Japan, Virtual Reality Society Japan and many more. 

Dr. Matsuda has been involved in the development of the VRML97 standard (via Sony) from the start, and has been active in both VRML and X3D communities (precursors to WebGL). He has a strong background in the technology and comes to it from a web developer perspective. For this team, he is an unofficial and indirect guru/advisor/instructor.

Dr Kouichi Matsuda received B.E. and M.E. degrees in Computer Science from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan and Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan. He has worked as a researcher in NEC Corporation, Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Inc., and Sony Corporation. His research interests include HCI, Interface Agent, AI, CSCW, network services and entertainment services. He co-designed VRML97. He is the author of five books and 25 research papers on topics from HCI, Window System and Virtual Society. Dr Matsuda is a member of ACM, IPSJ (Japan) and IEICE (Japan).

東京農工大学大学院工学研究科数理情報工学専攻修了。東京大学大学院工学系研究科電子情報工学専攻より博士(工学)を得る。学生時代は人工知能の研究を行いNECに入社、その後、漫画家を目指しソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所に入社し、家電メーカに勤務。主幹研究員。石川県羽咋市生まれ。新しい転機を模索している元ソフトウェアエンジニア+研究者。NECSony CSLを経て、某家電メーカ/計算機娯楽勤務。研究開発から、国際標準の策定、製品開発までの経験を持つ。最近は、著作から離れているのがさびしい。HCIやインターネット上の分散型三次元共有仮想社会(PAW^2)の研究開発、同システムによるコミュニティビジネスの運用、VRML97の国際標準化、携帯機器上のモバイルエージェントの開発、tgifの機能拡張・日本語化を経て、現在は、UI開発システムの開発に従事。金沢工業大学大学院客員教授

matsuda at

石川 真之
Masayuki Ishikawa

Senior Software Engineer at Sony and
Unofficial Distinguished Guest of the Blendo Development Team

Quick Bio: At Sony Corporation, I was a design/implementation/team leader for 3D graphics software development in C++/VRML2.0/JAVA on Windows (1995-1998), home network software development with HAVi and streaming (HTTP/RTP) in C/C++/Java (1999-2002), XMPP-based internet-to-home software development both server side and client side with Apache/Tomcat/SOAP/XMPP in C/C++/Java on Linux (2003-2005) then I introduced embedded Linux to Sony Walkman products with NECEL MP201 (ARM9) (2006-2008), then I introduced Android 2.4/4.0 to Sony Walkman products with NVIDIA Tegra2 (dual Cortex-A9) (2009-2012). At Sony Video & Sound Products, I was a study/design/implementation/team leader for NuttX-based IC recorder and Walkman system software development with ON Semiconductor LC823450 (2013-2016).

For this team, he is also an unofficial advisor and instructor.